Friday, November 21, 2008

For the love of food!

My kids have always been good eaters. Ruth continues the trend. We were pretty late starting her on any kind of baby foods for a few basic reasons:

1. I was in denial (maybe if I didn't feed her baby food she wouldn't grow up as fast and I could keep her an infant longer...)
2. She loved her milk (breast and formula)
3. It was so much easier to hand her a bottle (just comes down to convenience and laziness I guess!)

When she started getting irritated for no apparent reason we stepped up the solids and she is a happy, happy girl. We pretty much bypassed the baby food thing. One way to save money I guess.

Spencer's is constantly saying, "Mom, I'm hungry." Most often heard 10 minutes after he gets down from the table. He loves yogurt and could eat the entire carton in one sitting. I actually let him do it this week. He didn't say he was hungry after that!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

When you said carton of Yogurt, I was thinking the little individual size, not the HUGE one. TOO FUNNY!!!

This is Halloween Nite!

October 28 - November 3, 2018 Sunday, 10.28 Monday, 10.29 Tuesday, 10.30 Wednesday, 10.31 Thursday, 11.01 Friday, 11.02...