Monday, February 2, 2009


My life has been constantly full of amazing people who have set a high standard for me. I know that my life would be so different without their examples. Now that I'm a mother I seem to value these examples even more as I realize I cannot raise my children alone. I want to surround them with wonderful, strong, valiant, courageous, up-lifting people.

On Saturday a boy from our ward got baptized. I took Austin and Emma Lynn with me so they could support this boy in their Primary and teach them (again & again & again) about baptism. Austin told me on the way home that he felt the spirit. Then he told me that he wanted to be the prophet when he grew up. This was a new one for me, of course I had to smile. I was curious what prompted this and so I asked him why he wanted to be the prophet. The answer was pure and simple, "So I can be on TV during General Conference." Awesome! I was laughing - SO QUIETLY so he couldn't hear me but how cute! That is indeed a lofty goal, go for it Austin!

Emma Lynn was quick to respond herself that she wanted to be a missionary when she grew up. I was happy to hear that we have moved past wanting to be a princess when she grows up. She must have known I was going to ask why because she continued on, "If Karen can be a missionary then so can I. Boys and girls can both be missionaries." So true! Another lofty goal worthy of achieving. Thank you aunt Karen for showing Emma Lynn such a beautiful and important example of serving the Lord and choosing the right.

We are so blessed to have so many examples just like Karen in our lives. Thank you for enriching, up-lifting and setting a lovely example for my family. You are amazing and we love you!

1 comment:

'T' said...

Thanks for your example to me. Also, could you send me a dozen hot cinnamon rolls in the mail? They look divine! Can't wait to see Austin on the stand in Conference someday (tee hee).

This is Halloween Nite!

October 28 - November 3, 2018 Sunday, 10.28 Monday, 10.29 Tuesday, 10.30 Wednesday, 10.31 Thursday, 11.01 Friday, 11.02...