Monday, July 4, 2011

Land That I LOVE

According to Spencer freedom means getting out of jail {or having the choice not to go in the first place!} Freedom is part of the gospel plan. I'm grateful to live in this FREE land.

Kurt came home at noon so we were happy to have some family time. Kurt set up the sprinklers to create THE BEST time ever on the trampoline. There were 2 directly on it and one underneath. Stating the obvious, the kids LOVED it.

Lucy had more important things to do.

The kids were so excited to wear their new 4th of July clothes. {Even Austin} had them set out the night before {cute!}

We went to the parade that afternoon and all the kids will tell you that getting candy was their favorite part. Personally I was glad to have a seat in the shade. I thought these sisters holding hands as they watched the parade, helping each other get candy, was about the sweetest thing.

The start of their candy high

We spent the rest of the evening visit grandparents. We started at the Miles. We made homemade ice cream, blew bubbles and played in the sprinkler {again!}

The kids got so wet and soapy from the bubbles that we turned on the hose to
clean them off...naturally they can't resist the water {or Kurt the chance to tease them.} Needless to say we had to go home to change clothes before we could head to Ontario.

That night we had FHE with sparklers being the activity.

I'm grateful for the FREEDOM to make good choices so I don't have to go to jail. ;) God Bless America.

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October 28 - November 3, 2018 Sunday, 10.28 Monday, 10.29 Tuesday, 10.30 Wednesday, 10.31 Thursday, 11.01 Friday, 11.02...