~ Can go from flat on her back to sitting up. {amazing stomach muscles!}
~ Palms objects with one hand.
~ Can pick up small objects {fruit loop} with pointer finger and thumb.
~ Is starting to have just a very slight separation anxiety from mom. Still smiles and lights up the world especially in the comfort of mom's arms.
~ Eating most table foods. It is easier to list the things she is not eating because the list is shorter! {not meat, cheese or eggs}
~ Struggles with constipation but lucky loves prune juice and it fixes her quickly.
~ WAVES! Ahhh this is the most precious thing ever. Sadly she doesn't know what it means yet and does not assoicate it with hello or good bye. But her hand is constantly waving and WE LOVE IT!!! We get so excited and give her some much positive attention you would think she'd be doing it in her sleep! ;)
~ Sleeping longer through the night. Waking up once or twice is pretty common.
~ The apple of everyone's eye. Spencer was so wise when he told the dentist that Lucy is the boss of the house. We are completely head over heals. I love to watch the kids play, ooo and ahhhh over and love on her. Emma will often tell me, "Oh mom. She is just so cute! I'm so glad she is a girl and not another brother." Me too.
We love our little Lucy.
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