Reading makes me happy. The kids and I got signed up for summer reading program at the library. I checked out some books for me. I love that everyone is equally happy and excited to go to the library. A sweet treat. I love watching my kids at the library. Each one walks in, quietly searched through the books until one caught their attention and sat down to read/look. Well trained. love it! The next best thing about a trip to the library is the follow up activity at home. Sit down and snuggle up to read a stack of books as high as my knee. Usually my voice gives out before we can read them all.
my kids read makes me even happier. There are so many simple every day little things that make motherhood THE coolest job in the world. Hearing your child read is one of them. But I think its more appropriately place in the really big moments category. Emma is there. She read family scripture study {from the scripture reader} Monday night. Ahhh my heart is burst-at-the-seams happy.
Allergies make us leppies. Its been a really bad allergy week for Kurt and I. We are use to it. Dealt with it since childhood. It is a known fact that allergies are very hereditary. That fact has become a reality for Spencer. It makes me sad to see him all stuffed up, sneezing like crazy, and itchy blood shot eyes. Ya, it's kinda all your parents fault. Sorry little buddy.
No matter how old I get or how "cute" the glasses I wear I will
always feel like a dork wearing them. Why can my self esteem not move past the middle school awkwardness when it comes to glasses?
Life is a series of events to make and/or keep us humble. One such event would be walking into the temple on June 11th and having the temple worker tell you that your temple recommend expired on May 31st. What a feeling to look at the beauty of that magnificent building
knowing the joy of the temple but unable to go inside. I felt so empty and hollow knowing it was my own neglect that prohibited my ability to give service and receive a renewal of strength.
Another awareness to keep me humble. It meant everything to me that I was released from Young Womens. It meant nothing to them.
A dear friend, a sweet graduated YW, is experiencing life changing health issues. My heart breaks that this is her trial. When I see her, I can see her through our Father's eyes. She shines. She is a glorious and beloved daughter of God. I hope she will come to truly understand her worth and gain strength to weather this journey of life. Why is it so much easier to
see the worth of others?
Our good neighbor's brother committed suicide this week. My heart breaks that they have to suffer this trial without the knowledge of the gospel. They need to know how to weather the journey of life. Maybe I should tell them.
I need to make peace with all my homeschooling ideas. Which side of the fence am I on? I can't sit forever. I'm sure that I can find the answer in prayer. But the real question is why am I scared to find the answer?
We have officially completed the first 2 weeks of summer vacation.
It has been good. We really haven't done anything big or grand or gone and did.
We have just been. I went from an intensely busy schedule with preschool and YW on top of my regular responsibilities to
nothing. It has been so...weird.
Our schedule has just dissolved. We have slept in. We have obediently stayed on task with our chore chart and piano practicing and reading with lots of fun learning in between. It makes me remember what motherhood was like
I've missed it.
Maybe that is why the idea of homeschooling is attractive.
And maybe that is why I'm OKAY with just staying put. In my house. In Vale.
The desire to travel like crazy, to cram as many trips as possible into the summer break is currently not present in my body. That is what's really weird!
For now I am just lovin' bein' ME & the KIDS at home.
Its quite possible things might change next week but for now...