Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Spencer joins the special crew doing Back-2-School mommy dates this year. Hard to believe. Really hard to believe. Not waiting to face reality I waited until the last possible moment. We are down to minutes until the big first day so no more procrastinating.

Marti and Jeff went to Vegas for a few days so we had Braxton and Brooke Monday & Tuesday. Then they went to Grandma Cindy's. She invited my kids to spend the night with Braxton & Brooke. Sounded like a great last hurrah for summer and a extra special way for Spence and I to kick off our mommy-date. So after a BBQ we dropped off all the kids for a fun night at Grandma's except Spencer and Lucy.

When we got home Spencer and Kurt got busy building a fort in the basement. When it was complete with blankets and pillows Spence, Lucy and I snuggled in and went to sleep. He curled up in my arms and was asleep within minutes. I did have to peel back the roof half way so I could fall asleep {just a little too hot and claustrophobic for me.}

This morning Spencer had a home visit with his soon-to-be kindergarten teacher, Senora Brito. He felt very special that she made a trip to Vale to see him. He baked her cookies {"With you as my teacher I'll be one smart COOKIE!"} and wrote her a note to introduce himself. After she left we set out for more mommy date fun. We got a happy meal from McDonalds {with a Smurf toy}, went to the Dollar Store and the final stop was the theatre to watch "The Smurfs."

So I really love this kid. He is so easy to love. He is easy going, funny, huggable,and so stinkin CUTE! I worry about the middle child syndrome just because he has been so easy to raise that more often than not the attention always goes to the one who cries loudest. These five years just went by in the blink of an eye. I'm having a hard time remembering...what did we do during that time? Did I spend enough time with him? I'm wishing I had more time...{{LOVE is spelt t.i.m.e...}} While I know he is ready for kinder he isn't at the same reading level that Austin and Emma Lynn were at when they started. But luckily it doesn't matter cause each kid is different and we don't compare them. Just love them. Ahhh I'm going to miss those beautiful browns and sweet dimples. {{breathe}}

In Spencer's words:
I am most excited for recess. I am happy Austin and Emma will be there. I am a little nervous but excited too. And I like Lucy. I love Lucy. I really, really love Lucy.
That's all.


'T' said...

At a glance his teachers name looked like Senora Burrito! He'll love school!

Joseph Richards said...

crazy he is staring kindergarten!

This is Halloween Nite!

October 28 - November 3, 2018 Sunday, 10.28 Monday, 10.29 Tuesday, 10.30 Wednesday, 10.31 Thursday, 11.01 Friday, 11.02...