I had the most wonderful weekend. Let me share with you.
Thursday Lucy and I left Vale at 11:30 am to catch our flight to DC. Like all things in her life Lucy traveled perfectly. She didn't sleep much but it doesn't really matter since she was uBer happy. I'm pretty sure that she thinks her job in life is to make
everyone around her happy. She does a great job at it.

Joseph picked us up at 11:30 pm where Maren was awaiting our arrival. I loved seeing their cute apartment and being in their home and seeing their lives.
Friday we had a nice breakfast and scripture study before heading out to Trader Joe's {a grocery store I had heard much about.} We came back for lunch and naps. Maren and I got a quick power nap and then snuck out to Target while the babies were still resting. Shopping has become a fun tradition with Maren. We picked up the rest of the gang and then headed into the city to the RACE expo {mainly to pick up our packets and prepare for the race.} I was immediately overwhelmed by the number of people running this race. Over 24,000 people. My race number was 27393 if that tells you anything! I felt very small town. The excitement and nervousness were kicking in all at once.

The starting point of the race.

posing at the expo
We met up with Karen and Roger for dinner at the Olive Garden. That was good times all around. You can't go wrong with the Olive Garden {and SUPER-GREAT family!}
Saturday was RACE day! We took the metro in because we knew it would be impossible to park with so many people coming in for the race. We made it in time {even though Joseph was stressed that we wouldn't & the lines to use the port-a-potties were credulously long.} They herded up like cattle to the starting line. It was wall to wall people and it didn't change once you walked over the starting line. I spent the next 13 miles weaving in and out of people so I could move ahead. It made it a fun challenge but my time would have been faster without all the dodge & weave dancing.
I really had fun running this race. It was an awesome experience! I know that running 13.1 miles doesn't sound like everyone's idea of a great morning but here are the reasons it was such a great time for me:
* It was a beautiful spring day. The cherry blossoms were in bloom and the weather was just about perfect. There was one part where I started to get hot but then a prayer was answered and a nice breeze kicked up.
* The course was awesome. We ran by the Washington monument and the capital building {twice} and all the street of downtown DC. Maren gave me a tour as we ran by things so that made it even better.
* I LOVE running with Maren {& Joseph.} We all ran together but around mile 4 Joseph went ahead. I pulled ahead the last mile but I felt like we were well paced for each other. We committed as we ran the streets of DC to run a full together this fall. :)
* The spirit / morale of the race. There is such a camaraderie amongst runners. I love it. You cheer and encourage each other along. One of my favorite moments is when we were running through a long tunnel and one of the runner {with a cape} instructs us to cheer on the count of three. The tunnel that was packed wall to wall with people running echoed and vibrated with sound and excitement. I loved all the "Happy Birthday" cheers Maren got throughout the day {Karen and Roger spelt out "Its my B-day!" on the back of her shirt in electrical tape.}
* The music. It was a rock n roll marathon so there were local bands all along the course. Plus random spectators with their boom boxes and guitars. It made for a very fun atmosphere.
I finished in 2 hours 3 minutes. I felt amazing. Fabulous race!

...and after

We came home to this sign on the door {awwwww thank you Karen & Roger} and our happy babies.
We took showers and started food prep for our St. Patty's party. Then we loaded up to go into the city. We wanted to see the cherry blossoms and new MLK memorial. Both were gorgeous. We went to "We, the Pizza" for dinner. They had impressed sizes and taste.

We put the babies to bed when we got home and had our delicious spread of festive goodies and played "Dixit." All around perfect day. Thank you everyone.
Sunday was church and Maren's birthday. The babies were not the best church goers that day and I should have done more for Maren's birthday. But Joseph made an impressive dinner and carrot cake in their shoe box kitchen. After opening presents it was time to go to the airport and head home.
Loved the cousin bonding time

Again Lucy traveled like a champ. I am a blessed mama. We rolled into Vale about 15 till 2 am. Thank you everyone who made this trip possible on both sides of the states, I am so grateful. MUCHO GRACIAS!