Sunday, September 13, 2015

A new start

August 23 - 29, 2015

Sunday morning before church we had Father's blessings for the new school year. Again I was impressed and touched by the blessings. As their earthly mother it is beautiful and inspiring to see how much the Lord knows and loves each of his children.

I didn't teach singing time because the old chorister was still there and even though I was prepared I didn't want to step on her toes and allow her the opportunity to say good-bye.

After church I took everyone home but Austin. He had choir practice for stake conference. As soon as I dropped the kids off at the house I turned around and headed back to the stake center for a trek fireside. 4 of our trek kids sat with us, the other 3 were there. Unfortunately McKenzie left before I could get over to her and give her a hug & take a family picture. It may be completely impossible to get us all together again!

While we were at the fireside my other children were hanging Barbies with bungee cords from the ceiling fan in my room {and texting the footage to Tim.} Gotta love their creativity. haha

Monday morning was our first day of school {second for everyone else.} We had our traditional Back 2 School breakfast with first day surprises.

There was some excitement and quite a bit of nervousness as we got ready and drove to school. Academically its a big jump for Spencer and Ruth this year and new {to them teachers.} Emma always gets nervous but is a pro at facing her fears. Austin never feels any stress or nerves about school. Ever. Oh, to have that strength. They look beautiful / handsome and ready to conquer new heights. Excited for them!

My heart breaks every time I have to drop them off for the first day. Doesn't matter what grade or how old. I realize not everyone feels this way but for me it is hard and truthfully I hate it. And I'm still wondering, how did they get so big? I would be content if Ruth stayed in 1st grade for a couple more years. I could say that about all of them...

This was probably the first time I didn't set up distraction plan for myself while they were at school. I'm blaming it on the fact that I had just gotten home from our trip to Utah. Whatever the case it was not good and I will not make that mistake again. It just ended up being depressing that they were all gone and depressing that we still hadn't move and I unpacked {aka laundry} from the trip.

They were surprisingly quiet about their day when I picked them up. I decided it was because it wasn't everyone else first day & it was academic, serious and focused. But they all had a good day and were excited for the year. Spence had friends from 2nd grade in his class so I'm hoping it'll be a better year friend wise for him. The new 4th/5th Spanish teacher seems good {strict.} Ruth and Emma are starting with Spanish.

That night we had our Back to School dinner and FHE.

Tuesday morning I had a hair cut. It was long overdue {last one in April!} It felt delightful.  The flooring was completed upstairs in the Nyssa rental. In true fashion {as we have done many. many times before} We moved in because the wife is anxious to go. It was killing me to have to start the school year with the drive from our house in Vale. That is what I was trying to avoid all summer. Kurt is really so good to me. So that afternoon we packed up our beds, and the kitchen. The essentials and moved over to Nyssa.

We got the beds set up {including the two new bed frames for the little girls from Ikea.} Because the downstairs flooring wasn't finished the boys slept on the floor in the playroom. Our mattress was in the living room. We also got our BRAND NEW washing and dryer set up {oh la la so big and fancy!} Our black frig was too tall so we will use the frig that was existing in the house. We will put the black one and another freezer downstairs in the food storage food.
 Austin my builder {Thank You!}
 Big girls room 
 Little girls room - so excited about their new bed frames

The drive to school Wednesday morning was GLORIOUS! Naturally I thought so but it was so fun to hear all the kids comment about it too.

We were celebrating Maria's birthday that morning and she had found some more boxes for us on Craig's list. We headed over to Nampa to pick them up. The lady wasn't home but after calling her we got into the back yard and loaded them into the pick-up. Apparently our box packing skills were lacking - we lost two boxes on the freeway and had to stop twice to readjust. We had lunch at Costa Vida before picking up the kids from school. Excited this move means I'll be close to my dear friend.

That afternoon was my first time helping with the cross country team after school. I drop off the kids at the house and then go back over for practice. Already just ONE example of how fabulous it is to live close by. Practice it well and I can already see Austin working harder and improvement from last year. I can tell this is going to be fun experience.

Every morning after I dropped off the kids at school I would drive back to Vale and pack up more from the house and bring it over. Every evening Kurt will help fix or install something at our new place. The girls love helping dad.

So happy its FRIDAY! We survived the first week of school. Phew

We all love Family Friday breakfast! Ruth is about the only one who will let us eat with her. The others think they are too cool?? We are glad she is sweet enough to still eat with us, its fun tradition.

We headed back to Vale after breakfast. Around noon Kurt came out with the trailer {the Atkinsons that we have been using for this move.} We filled it up with a lot of large items from the house {book cases, TV, dressers, etc...}  After we finished loading I went straight to pick up kids from school.

This is what happens when your parents are too busy packing and loading the trailer that your diaper start to sag below your shorts!

Just before I was leaving for practice Kurt called to tell me that Grandma Cindy was taking Emma, and the little girls to her house to sleep over. Since we had the Color Run the next day the other kids couldn't go. We quickly packed them a bag and met grandma at the school just as practice was starting. Such a fun treat! The other kids were sad when they heard they missed out on the sleep over.

Ruth had been begging me all week to let her run with the xc team, to prepare for the Color Run on Saturday she said. I got permission and she joined us. Ruth did so AWESOME at practice! She was the 7th to finished and the 2nd girl. I am so proud of her. All the kids were impressed and very complimentary to her. She was feeling really great about it. Maybe I'll have a running partner after all. ;)

That evening we went to the temple and then dinner {at Goodwood} with the Forsbergs to celebrate 3 years of being business partners. It has been a blessing in our life.

Saturday morning we left at 7 am for Boise. We found a parking spot and our way to the start line to pick up our race packets. They were excited about all their race gear. We packed in with the rest of the runners and inched our way to the starting line. This is the farthest any of them had ever run before. The second half Ruth was getting tired. But the color stations are spread out throughout the course to keep us moving to the next color. It was helpful motivation. She did great for a 7 year old. Austin and Spence would run forward and then come back. The rule was we had to stick together. There were a lot of people. They were excited to get their medal and join the color party at the end. After a few more pictures they were ready to go {they wanted FOOD.}  We found a Wendy's nearby and got a Frosty to celebrate our accomplishment. It was a very fun race to do together. I really enjoyed it.

I showered immediately when we got home while the kids had a water balloon fight with these super cool water balloons {fill 25 at once, self sealing} that were in our race packets. I may have rested while the house was quiet, shocking. Moving the first week of school is exhausting.

Austin built 3 furniture items for the girls rooms, that was a fun surprise for when Grandma brought them back that evening. They had a magical time in West Fall. Thanks Grandma for spending time with them! We had the adult session of Stake Conference that night. We sat in the very back - just in case someone came and Kurt needed to translate. No one came. But the meeting was still beautiful and I felt like so much was applicable to our little branch. I am grateful the Lord knows us, answers prayers and give us direction along the way. Tender mercies.

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October 28 - November 3, 2018 Sunday, 10.28 Monday, 10.29 Tuesday, 10.30 Wednesday, 10.31 Thursday, 11.01 Friday, 11.02...