Thursday, November 17, 2011

FIVE months

I feel like she has grown SOOO much this past month. Not anywhere near the infant stage any more. It is all quite surreal.

~ Still co-sleeping. If you ask Kurt I've created a monster. But all I want to do is sleep. I realize at some point {soon} she will have to move but for now we are enjoying it. She is growing too fast as it is, why rush it?!!?

~ Still nursing. I feel like this is a miracle straight from heaven. With my diet I am just super surprised and amazed that we are still nursing. It is about an everyone feeding schedule. Which honestly works out soooo nicely. We are constantly on the go and sometimes it is super convenient to give her a bottle when there are a million and ONE things going on. And then its wonderful to still nurse and snuggle especially during those quieter moments. Really is the best of both worlds for us. I feel like its a major blessing, I'm truly grateful.

~ She is all over the place. Can cover all corners of a room with her rolling skills. Plus very, very small scooting. The kids love to track her progress. "I set her down here by the piano and now she is all the way to the front door. Come LOOK!" It's super cute.

~ She is super duper happy. As an infant she wanted lots of attention and to be held. {Thank you for many hands who could.} As she gets older she still thrives on loads of attention but can be entertained. I'm grateful she is child number 5 because the olders dote on her and she flourishes. Her face lights up when they walk into the room and she knows its time to play.

~ Lately she and Ruth have developed a sweet friendship during the school hours. I heard endless amounts of laughter so I went to check it out. Ruth was bouncing Lucy on my bed talking to her. Lucy loved it. Ruth loves to hold her on the couch. "Come on. Let's be friends. We're the best of friends."

~ She GNARLS on EVERYTHING. She is mastering picking up an object {toy or paci} and putting them into her mouth. But mainly she is always choppin on her hand or both. If you get your face too close she'll try to chew on that too.

~ Can be propped up to sit up by herself. Not dwelling long on this.

~ Still has some major gas. She rips 'em loud and long. It can be embarrassing. As my friend Jamie says, "She has powerful man farts."

Emma told me the other day that she can't remember life before Lucy. True dat.

What did we ever do without you?

Bonus: {these pictures are the perfect protrayal of her personality. wanted to share.}

She loves to grab onto everything she can get her hands on
{usualy my short hair or ear.}

Letting me know she had had enough pictures!

And of course, her famous open mouth kisses.

Its good to be loved.

1 comment:

Karen and Roger said...

Man, I was laughing so much while reading this. I loved the pictures, especially the ones of Lucy grabbing your hair and "open mouth kisses." Hahaha...It's fun to hear about her personality. I'm sure she will love to read how she had manly farts when she's older. :) I'm excited to see all of you soon!

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