It provides a place away to play.
It is survival during the blessedly hot {trying to be positive} summer months.
It has an amazing food storage room that I love.
And most importantly it has the extra bedrooms. That those bedrooms have gotten plenty of use during our 3 1/2 years in this home on Graham Blvd.
The weekend guests and then a few more permanent ones {Tyler & Elaine.}
Friday night we had new visitors. The sister missionaries spent the night. Their miles are limited and so the two days a week they are working in Vale they try to spend the night to conserve miles. I am so grateful they called and asked to stay! They were gracious guests and I love having them in my home.
So it looks like it might become a permanent thing. So Saturday we decided to to rearrange the entire house to accommodate the mission rules. It literally took all day and was quite the project.
Here is how the switcheroo went down {and I don't blame you if you can't follow along.}
The crib out of the play room and into the boys room. The queen bed from our room into the playroom. The king bed from the guest room into our room. Two new twin bed purchased and into the guest room. Whew!
There's the facts, here's the feelings: Not lovin' the crib in the boys room but honestly besides putting it in the living room all the other room are too small upstairs. And...for the first time in 11 YEARS Kurt and I are sleeping on a different bed. Its was kinda crazy to me but he didn't lose a minute snoring over it so I probably shouldn't either. We joke about having an acre to sleep on but its fun when all the kids jump into bed with us on Saturday morning and no one falls out.
New guest room look
Sister Howard {Australian & Christensen {Canadian}
Our new bedroom look
A large portion of the day was spent seriously organizing the boys room. We got rid of all dressers and have this new clothing system in the closets. I LOVE it. Organization can be beautiful.
And of course this cutie who is now sleeping in a crib
I love having a basement and all its blessings.
I bet Dad is lovin the pink while he sleeps! ha ha
Looks great Rachel!
Elaine says:
Love the improvements! The guest room rocks! :) I'm sure it's nice to have a larger bed to sleep in... and I love how the boys closets are organized. Got-to-love organization. Bet you're happy to have it done, looks amazing.
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