Austin had his first clogging performance at his school, Vale Elementary. They did 2 different shows back to back. They danced to Mulan's "I'll make a man out of you." They did a great job! I ran the curtain backstage. It was the first time I didn't have students performing and it was kind of weird. But even more than that I really, really, really wanted to be on stage dancing with the adult class. I missed 3 classes in a row due to all our vacationing in November. I guess I should have tried harder to find time for private lessons. I did learn one thing about myself: I love to have part in the stage, whether I'm on it, behind it or my children are a part of it.

Tuesday, December 9th
I took the preschool kids to the local Food Bank. Unfortunately they opened after school was over (another thing I learned: when I need to be assertive!) So only 3 students plus some siblings were able to go but it was still such a positive experience. Emma told me at the end of the day that her favorite part was going to the Food Bank. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh the magic of the service! I love doing something physical to teach my children about the joy of service. Next year I will be assertive to make sure all the preschool kids get the chance to go.

That evening we had a Gingerbread party at our house (for the preschoolers and their parents.) The moms/dads constructed and the kids decorated/ATE all the candy! It was a great night. I love providing wholesome, fun, family activities. That will definitely be a preschool tradition.

Wednesday, December 10th
I went to Austin's class, as usual. I love it that he likes me to stay for lunch and recess. I feel like a cool mom. Yeah. All the kids know me, it's pretty fun. So I'm very cautious not to brag about my kids. I know they're awesome. And my kids know that I know they're awesome. That's good enough for me. But since this blog is my journal too I want to record a bit of Austin's process. So I will be bragging, since you are warned read at your own digression. First of all Austin is smart, seriously. He amazes me every day. He is thirsty for knowledge, he just sucks it right up. I thought that he'd be so exhausted from all day school but he comes home and just wants to read more, learn more, & do more math. He is reading 1-2 grade reading levels. He's finished the 20 reading units and is now doing the Advanced Reading system. He's writing sentences and doing solid addition. I love that HE doesn't brag about his talent. He knows that he is smart, it's a fact and that is that. But he isn't rude or condensing or mean about it. They played "Around the World" while I was there in class and Austin won the game. He was very excited that I was there to see it (and so was I!) We're so proud of you Austy!
I had all the Priest and Laurels out to our house for Mutual that night. The Priest deep-fat fried bananas, Snickers bars, Oreos, chicken, and shrimp. There was a lot of oil used and consumed. The girls didn't eat that much...but it was so thoughtful they made us something. My house reeked of oil. I'm still not sure it's gone. Just beware if you come over!
Kurt also left for a Valley Conference in SLC that morning.
Thursday, December 11th
The last day of preschool, and therefore our Christmas party. They were all very excited about the gift exchange and all the good food. It was a good time and it's nice to be done for a few weeks. Austin still has a full week of school left before they get out. I'm SO, SO, SO tempted to take him out. Just for the mere fact that I want him home. I'm a selfish mom. This is the first time all year when I don't have anything on my calendar until Saturday and I want to spend time doing our Christmas projects with all my cute kidies! Sigh. I'm sure I'll send him to school like I'm suppose to.
Here are a few random pics

Austin feeding Ruth pudding (love the open mouth.)

This picture reminds me of one of my mom playing the piano with a baby at her feet (I believe it's Elaine, maybe Karen???) So happy my life has come full circle.
Friday, December 12th
Austin had part Friday school and afterwards we headed to Ontario. We had our first snow that evening. Mom, Austin and Emma had to quickly get all the outside toys put away for winter so they wouldn't be buried. It also brought dad home a day earlier since he wanted to make it home before the snow hit.

That evening we had a movie party at The Studio for all the clogging classes. We watched "The Grinch." We had a great time. Austin's buddy Amy was there, they are so cute!

I don't know why it's blurry, sorry!

Spencer, Emma, Austin, Amy & Hailey (Amy's sister)
Saturday, December 13th
Tonight was our Ward Christmas party, "A night in Bethlehem." The YW were in charge of the fruit stand and the EQ the wood shop so we did some prep to set up for that. It was amazing. There was so much work that went into it but it looked awesome! There wasn't a very good turn out which really made me sad but I'm still grateful for all the work that went into a great night for my family. Kurt and I were shepherds with all the kids as our sheep. So fitting. We believe in the parable of the ONE.

At the last minute Ruth had her first debut on stage as baby Jesus (Kelli and Dan were Mary and Joseph.) I was off stage left "just in case" she needed me and to help her feel comfortable. She was looking around, smiling, cooing when we sang and just simply angelic. Even though I wasn't playing Mary I had such a greater understanding of what she might have felt as the mother of Jesus. As I watched my own baby, my heart swelled with love for her and I marveled in her perfection. I know Mary in greater, more infinite ways felt the same.

My sheep come to adore our sweet baby