Thursday morning while Ruth and I ran to the grocery store Spencer got stung by a bee 2 times (in different locations) on his face. They told me about it when I got home so I immediately gave him Benadyl (he has been known to swell with mosquito bites so I knew bee stings wouldn't be good...)
We went spent the day in Strawberry {had a fabulous time.}

8 hours post sting
We rolled in to Vale just minutes before midnight. At this point the Bedadyl was really starting to wear off and he was in a lot of pain. There was definitely some swelling going on. I woke Spence during the night to make sure he had Benadyl every 6 hours.
24 hours after the bee sting this is what Spencer looked like:

It just made my heart hurt to see him like this.
I found it odd that it was getting worse with time instead of better. I called the nurse who asked, "Can you tell if there is any swelling?" I laughed out loud {hopefully she doesn't find me rude because I know she wasn't in front of him but look at the poor kid!} She told me to keep giving the Benadyl and the Dr. would call in an epi-pen in case he started to have trouble breathing. Kurt and Jessie gave him a blessing. About an hour later the Dr.'s office called back. The Dr. wanted to see him before she prescribed the epi-pen but didn't have time to see him today. Seriously? o.k. I went to our clinic in Vale {they were all super nice and friendly btw.} Short story it was starting to get infected, they prescribed a antibiotic and steriod for immediate recovery. An epi-pen for future recovery if he were to get stung again. They cautioned me that subsequent bee stings will only get worse...
24 hours after meds {36 post sting}