My brother Sam has his mission papers in (YAY! We so excited for you!!!) Here is the Romans' family predictions:
~ Kurt: Papa New Guinea
~ Rachel: Poland
~ Austin: Minnesota
~ Emma Lynn: Africa (so he can teach the lions and elephants)
~ Spencer: Hawaii (he pronounces like Hah /whaaa-EE)
Rooster is constantly babbling. It is the funniest thing! She goes on and on and on like we all know what the heck she is saying. During FHE each week we share a time when we felt the Holy Ghost that week. She had so much to say when it was her turn (if only we could
understand what she is saying!!!) She stopped (naturally) when I turned on the camera.
Moments to Remember:
~ Austin brought me a book he had made. It consisted of a bunch of white pages stapled together. He told me, "Mom I made a diarrhea because I've never had one before." He had written on the front of the book, "Austin's Diare" and on the back "Do Not Touch." I explained the the word is pronounced DIARY!
~ We were taking the sacrament a few weeks ago and I look down at Spencer and suddenly his arms start moving: little fingers crawling up his other arm, wiggling fingers from top to bottom for rain, large circle above his head for the sun....He was doing the actions for the "Itsy Wensy Spider." His mouth was completely still. But you could see the words being sung in his head. He knew it was time to be quiet during the sacrament but he had a song to sing and he was going to find a way to sing it no matter what!
~ A friend brought over a whole basket full of Scentsy candle samples to smell. The kids and I had a fun time that afternoon smelling them all. There were about 50 to smell - I think my nose stopped working after the 22nd one! We put them in piles, "Definitely!" - "Maybe, smell again" - "Not so much" and "NO WAY it smells like a stinky diaper!" After smelling a green one Emma said, "This smells like dad's armpits!" After lots of laughing we each took a turn smelling it. Austin clarified, "It smells like the stuff dad puts in his armpits." Deodorant. Just to make sure Kurt is off the hook, it was a nice clean smell, exactly like his deodorant. So even though it was a great LOL moment it is still a compliment honey! The boys were inspired to smell like dad after that and applied deodorant in their own armpits! (In case you were wondering the scent that smells like dad's armpits is "Simply Irresistible.")