Saturday, November 7, 2009

1st Grade Report

Austin is really excelling in school this year. We had parent teacher conferences last week. Mrs. Camp was so nice to let me do it right after the Halloween class party so I didn't have to find another babysitter (thank you, thank you for making my crazy life just a little bit easier!)

Last year I worried about his behavior but Mrs. Camp has no concerns in that area. YAY! Maybe strict is the way to go for him...

Mrs. Camp's only area for improvement is to turn in his homework as soon as he gets to school. Ya, we can handle that!

We are focusing on taking AR (accelerated readying) tests after he finishes a book. He just gets into the reading groove and doesn't want to stop to take a test. He does fabulous on them, that's not the problem. But he recently finished his AR chart (once you take 25 tests you get a prize bag.) He was so proud of his prize bag! I started up a prize jar at home too. Every time he takes one test he can pick something out - hopefully it'll help him remember to take the tests! He has already taken 8 on his new chart.

My biggest concern is that he is not being challenged - at all. Mrs. Camp knows of my concern (I've voiced it since the start of school.) I finally feel like we are starting to get on the same page as far as his abilities and where he is right now. She apologized and I encouraged her to set up an additional reading group for him (by himself) that would be more appropriate for him. She told me he is very competitive when it comes to academics (no surprise knowing his father!) But he is a good sport about it which was my only concern (I really don't want him to be cocky or mean about his talents!) And as I've known all along I will need to keep him stimulated at home. We are going to start working on vocab words and I will give him additional (harder) spelling words each week.

Wednesday was the first awards assembly. I couldn't go because of preschool but Kurt was there. Austin received: Perfect Speller and Class Scholar. I am proud of you Austin! Congratulations on your 1st grade success!

1 comment:

mom said...

Congratulations to Austin!!! Keep up the good work! I know he's not interested in fiction, but "Henry and Ribsy" by Beverly Cleary is a fun book for boys. Maybe a read a loud. Good job Austin!

This is Halloween Nite!

October 28 - November 3, 2018 Sunday, 10.28 Monday, 10.29 Tuesday, 10.30 Wednesday, 10.31 Thursday, 11.01 Friday, 11.02...